“This is pretty much the cotton of our dreams.”
Waldemar Zeiler,
Founder, Actor & Chief Executive Unicorn at einhorn products.

“We are fed up with complaining about products that are unsustainable, harmful, greedy, and ugly.
As entrepreneurs, we have one single choice, i.e. to do a better job. This is it.
We are a start-up wishing to combine design with fairstainability (fair & sustainable). We believe in using the power of our business to do good, and all of it wrapped in sexy design.
We want to make it possible that you can menstruate so sustainably that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will thank you personally.
(or something along those lines, I guess…)
We want to make the most sustainable fairly traded tampons and sanitary towels our galaxy has ever seen.
A large part of the tampons and sanitary towels used today is made of ‘normal’ certified organic cotton. Just like a scoop of home-made ice cream from organic ingredients. Fairly delicious already. But a scoop of home-made organic ice cream sprinkled with chocolate chips and caramel cream is pure bliss. This is precisely what we and our cotton partners, Remei and the bioRe® Foundation, want to come up with. Our partners are the delicatessen ice-cream shop in the cotton business, as it were. Their aim is to produce the most sustainable cotton available in the market. Having visited their cotton fields in Tanzania, all we can say is that this is pretty much the cotton of our dreams. It’s not merely organic, it’s also rather fairly traded.
Only, the machines of our tampon and sanitary-towel manufacturers don’t quite like that cotton yet as much as we do. This is why the cotton of our dreams has been applied only to the top layer of our Padsys and Slipflips so far. Bear with us until we have tamed our machines.”
What is it that makes the cotton of our dreams so much sexier?
‘Normal’ certified organic cotton is…
- grown organically
- GMO-free
- bleached without chlorine
- and strictly monitored with regard to use of chemicals and minimum social standards along the entire chain of production.
In addition, bioRe® cotton from Tanzania is…
- not irrigated artificially
- traceable as far back as the field it was grown on
- farmed by smallholder families.
Plus, the farmers receive…
- a purchase guarantee for the cotton for a minimum of five years
- a premium of 15% above the market price on average
- further training in organic farming
- the right to have a say through farmers‘ representatives.